1. If the new PI wants to transfer the project in the mainland (taking the National Natural NSFC as an example) to the Zhuhai Research Institute, what should be the process steps?

A: Brief description: Apply to the original unit - 2. Complete the information change of the online system - 3. Make payment - 4. Project approval - 5. Complete.

  1. The original relying unit agreed to transfer the project out. The teacher needs to present a certificate document of "the original supporting unit agrees to transfer out".

  2. Complete the information change of the national natural network system.

    1. The teacher can first learn about the relevant situation from the relevant person in charge of the original relying unit, and download the "Application Form for Changing the Information of the Relying Unit" from the National Natural Network System and complete the personal information.

    2. The Zhuhai Research Institute is responsible for coordinating the signing and sealing of the "newly transferred supporting unit" (i.e. Zhuhai Research Institute) part of the above-mentioned "Application Form".

    3. Retrieve the "Application Form" and mail it back to the original supporting unit. The original relying unit completes the information change of the online system.

  3. Punch. The Scientific Research Office reviews the information of the online system, and if the review is successful, it notifies the teacher to make a "payment" to the account of the Zhuhai Research Institute.

  4. Project. After the "payment" is completed, confirm the voucher information provided by both parties. If there is no doubt, inform the Scientific Research Management Office to start the project. The project needs to be provided by the teacher, if there is no doubt, the project is completed.

  5. The project was successfully transferred.

2. If the official seal of Zhuhai Research Institute needs to be used in the process of applying for a project or applying for a patent right, how should I apply?

A: If you have the "Scientific Research Project Recommendation Form" and have obtained the confirmation of the leaders of the competent department, you can send an email directly to the public mailbox of Zhuhai Research Institute mustzh@must.edu.mo; Just apply for a stamp.

If it does not fall under the above circumstances and is other circumstances for applying for a seal, it is necessary to fully explain the requirements for the use of the seal, and present the voucher of "agreeing to apply for the seal" approved by the relevant competent department leader, and send an email to the public mailbox of Zhuhai Research Institute.

3. Can Zhuhai Research Institute currently recruit postdoctoral fellows?

A: Zhuhai Research Institute has obtained the postdoctoral sub-station qualification in 2022, and all PI can recruit postdoctoral personnel at the postdoctoral sub-station of Zhuhai Research Institute.

4. Zhuhai Research Institute's scientific research work management system?

A: The scientific research management system of Zhuhai Research Institute has been partially revised on the basis of following the Regulations on the Administration of Scientific Research of Macau University of Science and Technology. Insiders can go to wemust system reference.

5. If researchers apply to settle in the institute, how should they operate?

A: After obtaining the consent of the head of the department, the applicant can send an email to the mailbox mustzh@must.edu.mo of Zhuhai Research Institute, submit an application for settlement, and obtain the "Application Form for Settlement". Complete the information in the application form, and obtain the signature and consent of the corresponding leaders of the department; return it to the Zhuhai Research Institute for review. Familiarize yourself with the requirements of the "Zhuhai Research Institute Settlement Management Regulations" and sign it;