澳科大醫學院醫學模擬培訓中心再獲 英國愛丁堡皇家外科學院(RCSEd)授予認可資格
澳科大醫學院醫學模擬培訓中心再獲 英國愛丁堡皇家外科學院(RCSEd)授予認可資格
2024/10/29 -
2024/10/29 - More
The Journal of Macau University of Science and Technology is a comprehensive academic publication published by the Macau University of Science and Technology. It was first launched in June 2007 and covers various fields such as humanities and social sciences, natural sciences, engineering technology, traditional Chinese medicine technology, and management science. Since 2023, it has been included in the CNKI Scholar academic journal database.
M.U.S.T Journal is a quarterly publication, with issues released in late March, June, late September, and mid-December. It accepts submissions throughout the year and follows a "rolling submission and review" process. After initial review by the editorial committee, the manuscripts are then sent to experts and scholars both domestically and internationally for evaluation.
For detailed regulations and past issues of the journal, please visit the official website: https://www.mustjournal.com/CN/home.
For any inquiries or collaboration opportunities regarding the journal, please contact the the editorial department (please refer to the “Contact Us” section).
To streamline the management of university research finances and facilitate researchers in handling financial procedures such as reimbursement and expense claims, we have established the "Research Finance Unit". Its main responsibilities include processing daily expense claims and inquiries, handling salary disbursements for project personnel, preparing annual and final financial reports for research projects, maintaining and updating the financial system for expense claims, and handling budget adjustments for projects.
To contact the staff of the Finance Unit, please visit the official website's "Contact Us" section or refer to the "Organizational Structure" in our department's introduction.